Researcher Datasets

Researcher Datasets

  • Top 100 Practitioner Research on Language Learner Autonomy in Japan (Datasets)

Overview: Welcome to the “Top 100” section. Here I hope to develop a repository of datasets of practitioner research work, written in Japanese or English, from Japanese educational contexts. I’m excited to share these invaluable resources, with the hope that they further understanding and research about the state of practitioner research into language learner autonomy in Japan. To chart developments in the field, I additionally hope to make this dataset release an annual event.

About: The search string was adapted from a scoping review of language learner autonomy. The datasets list practitioner research in string-relevance order, and gives the work type, author, year, title, journal, peer review status, abstract and links to the works themselves. 

Dataset 1: 2023-2024

The search was conducted on July 13, 2023 using the Japan-based CiNii practitioner research database. All research included was published between 2003~2023. The dataset was released on October 10, 2023. 

Dataset- Practitioner Research on Language Learner Autonomy in Japan Top 100 (2023-2024)

Contact: Please get in touch to learn more, or to let me know if you use the datasets in your own research work